Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome, something so many of us in the creative and self-employed world struggle with, yet hardly anyone talks about openly. That persistent voice in your head saying, "You’re not good enough," "Everyone else knows what they’re doing," or "You’re just faking it, and someone will find out." 

Sound familiar? I know when I was working in the corporate world I often thought, someone will find me out soon... I just thought I was winging it... 

For creatives and solopreneurs, imposter syndrome can be a constant companion. After all, when your work is an extension of yourself, your art, your ideas, your passion, the stakes feel personal. And when you're the sole person responsible for your business or career, that pressure can be overwhelming. 

You’re not alone, and there are ways to build emotional resilience and push through those self-doubts. 

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Resilience vs Rejection

Life is a journey marked by a series of experiences, both uplifting and challenging. Following a conversation with a friend this week I’ve been thinking about two concepts that often play pivotal roles in shaping our path; these are resilience and rejection. Understanding the relationship between these two things can be transformative, giving us the knowledge and self awareness to use them as stepping stones to success. In this blog post, I want to do a deep dive into the essence of resilience and rejection, explore how they interact with each other as concepts, and uncover strategies to harness their power for personal growth. 

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Balance Vs Burnout 

In a culture that celebrates us if we are seen to be working the hardest or being the last one to leave the office, it's all too easy to mistake constant busyness for productivity. Rest is often cast aside, treated as a prize to be won after all the work is done. This relentless pace, however, is not sustainable and can lead to burnout—a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that is anything but a mark of achievement. It's your body and mind crying out for a break. Lots of businesses are cutting costs and looking to create efficiencies and are therefore reducing the number of people on the books. This means, the people who remain are left to pick up a volume of work that would never have been expected previously. It is also well known that the culture of some work places doesn’t actively support part time workers and often expects a full time job in less hours. If this is you, you need to have a conversation with your employer. It’s not ok. If however you are a super diligent person who is always looking to out perform your peers. Maybe you are super ambitious (which is great) or super competive (also admirable) these qualities will drive your forward for success but you must have balance. There is no accolade to being the most successful person in the room (personally or professionally) if you are miserable as sin!

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Playing Catch-Up with Productivity

We've all been there: staring at a to-do list that seems to grow longer by the minute, feeling the crushing weight of impending deadlines, and the gnawing guilt of tasks left untouched. Productivity isn't just about being busy; it's about making meaningful progress in the things that matter most. But what happens when you fall behind? How do you play catch-up without burning out? Here are some strategies to help you get back on track.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Resilience and Accountability 

Have you ever found yourself crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, only to feel disappointed when things don't magically fall into place? Waiting around and wishing for your dreams to come true isn't a strategy – it's misguided.

You may have heard the saying, "The best things come to those who wait." But let me tell you, that couldn't be further from the truth. If you want something – I mean really want it – the only person who can make it happen is you. It's time to stop waiting for opportunities to come knocking and start knocking on doors yourself.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

The Law of Attraction

The Power of Positive Thought!

I re-watched a documentary this week called The Secret. It's a pretty old programme and I've watched it before, but it made me really think about the way we speak to ourselves and how this can impact on our own stories and personal journeys. 

The Law of Attraction is a concept that has captivated minds and hearts worldwide with its promise of manifesting desires through the power of thought. But what exactly is the Law of Attraction? In this blog post, I want to explore the principles of the Law of Attraction and its profound effect on rejuvenating our mojo. 

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Superhero Mode Activated

In this blog post I want to expand on a subject I've mentioned before. I want to talk about anxiety, a word that often invokes a sense of dread and discomfort and something my Mum always used to say to me when I was a kid. I suffered from panic attacks from being quite young and I know only too well that feeling that the world is spinning faster than you are and the inevitable adrenaline surge that often accompanies it.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Embracing Imperfection

Recently, I found myself engaged in one of those conversations that could have lasted for days—a philosophical game of tennis, if you will. The topic? Joy versus happiness. Which would you choose, or would you dare to be greedy and covet both? And really, how long do they last, and do we truly want them all the time?

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Finding the Sweet Spot

I am a firm believer that productivity serves as a catalyst for fostering positivity in our daily lives. By effectively managing tasks and achieving goals, we naturally experience heightened morale, enhanced confidence, and a profound sense of fulfilment. The knock-on effect of this is priceless and I've seen it work time and time again. Productivity, in essence, becomes a cornerstone of cultivating a positive mindset. Through intentional efforts to enhance productivity, we naturally nurture a more optimistic outlook on life, fostering a harmonious relationship between productivity and positivity. This synergy empowers us to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.

In our quest for productivity and efficiency, it's easy to fall into the trap of over-organising our lives. We meticulously plan every minute of our day, only to find ourselves feeling suffocated by the rigidity of our schedules. Yet, ironically, amidst all this structure, we may still feel a lack of direction and purpose. I think it's important to explore the delicate balance between being over-organised and feeling adrift, and how striking that balance can rejuvenate our mojo and reignite our zest for life.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Unleash Your Mojo

Ever wondered what it takes to unlock your true potential and achieve your wildest dreams? In this month's featured article, we explore practical strategies and mindset shifts to help you unleash your inner greatness. From setting ambitious goals to cultivating a positive mindset, discover how you can tap into your full potential and make your dreams a reality.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Navigating Mother's Day with teenagers

A reflection on Mothers Day – The quest for Perfection when reality doesn’t meet expectations.... why we should talk about what we want in order to avoid disappointment....

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Unlocking the Power of Mojo

In the quest for personal and professional fulfillment, we often find ourselves seeking that elusive quality known as "mojo." But what exactly is mojo, and why is it so important in our lives? In this blog post, we'll explore the essence of mojo, its significance, and how we can cultivate it to lead more vibrant and fulfilling lives.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Rediscovering Your Mojo

We've all experienced moments when our mojo seems to have vanished into thin air. Whether it's procrastination creeping in, a loss of confidence, or feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and fear of failure, losing our mojo can be a challenging obstacle to navigate. However, it's important to recognise that this is a common experience and one that can be overcome with the right strategies and mindset. In this blog post, we'll explore what happens when you lose your mojo and provide practical tips for regaining your momentum and reclaiming your zest for life.

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Fran Willoughby Fran Willoughby

Finding Flow

Life isn't a military operation—it's a delicate dance of balance and harmony. Yet, in our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos, neglecting our well-being and passions in pursuit of productivity. But what if there was a way to live life in flow, where structure and spontaneity coexist harmoniously? In this blog post, we'll explore the art of creating habits, powerful routines and efficiencies that foster balance, allowing space for self-care and entrepreneurship to thrive. 

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