Embracing Imperfection

Exploring the Nuances of Joy vs Happiness 

Recently, I found myself engaged in one of those conversations that could have lasted for days—a philosophical game of tennis, if you will. The topic? Joy versus happiness. Which would you choose, or would you dare to be greedy and covet both? And really, how long do they last, and do we truly want them all the time? 

While joy and happiness are often used interchangeably, they represent two distinct facets of the human experience. Happiness typically arises from external influences—a delicious meal, a sunny day, or a moment of success. It's like a wave that washes over us, bringing a fleeting sense of contentment and satisfaction in the present moment. 

On the other hand, joy is deeper and more profound—an inner sense of peace, contentment, and fulfillment that transcends the ebb and flow of life's circumstances. Unlike happiness, joy isn't dependent on external factors; it emanates from within, rooted in gratitude, acceptance, and connection to something greater than ourselves. It's like a steady flame that burns bright, illuminating our souls even in the darkest of times. 

Yet, despite their distinctiveness, both joy and happiness can be elusive when we find ourselves in the pits of despair. Still, we continue to chase after them as if our lives depend on it. But in those sometimes, fleeting moments of happiness or joy, we don't find everlasting satisfaction. It would be unrealistic to believe that we can constantly experience one or both. There must be balance—a Yin to the yang. 

Add into the mix, that there is also the nuance that everyone feels these emotions differently. Joy to one person is undoubtably different to how happiness manifests for someone else. So how do we chase a feeling or emotion that is undefined, one that might take us by surprise and ultimately is the thing we feel is the magical goal. I think the answer is to do with the ingredients we use to facilitate the outcome. It is often perceived that perfection is the answer but as we are told throughout our lives, Perfect is an anomaly, a misconception, an unreachable target that simply doesn’t exist, how do we strive for what we believe this to be if we don’t know what it is. The only possible outcome in my mind is that we look at all the things we are doing to achieve the best possible outcome. Decide what Joy or happiness looks like to you, what are the components of that whole thing. Break it down into a list of ingredients that you can action one by one. For me this is what life is all about. Acknowledging that we are in control of the outcome. Making the CHOICE to take action to guarantee the outcome that we want. Whatever that looks like to us because inevitably it will be different for everyone.  

So, how about this: let's try something new. Let's embrace normality and find joy in the routine and the daily grind. Let's acknowledge and savor moments of happiness or joy when they arise, but let's not expect them to linger all day. After all, the cat still needs feeding, dinner still needs to be made, and daily life continues on. Let's find contentment in simply being alive—being present and living curiously. Let's grab those moments of joy or happiness when they appear, but let's not live our lives waiting for perpetual bliss, for it doesn't exist. Instead, let's embrace imperfection, for therein lies true happiness. Decide on your ingredients and get baking!  

Much Love 

Fran x 


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