The Law of Attraction

The Power of Positive Thought!

I re-watched a documentary this week called The Secret. It's a pretty old programme and I've watched it before, but it made me really think about the way we speak to ourselves and how this can impact on our own stories and personal journeys. 

The Law of Attraction is a concept that has captivated minds and hearts worldwide with its promise of manifesting desires through the power of thought. But what exactly is the Law of Attraction? In this blog post, I want to explore the principles of the Law of Attraction and its profound effect on rejuvenating our mojo. 

Understanding the Law of Attraction:  

At its core, the Law of Attraction asserts that: like attracts like, positive thoughts attract positive outcomes, while negative thoughts yield negative results. In essence, our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, influencing the events, circumstances, and experiences that unfold in our lives. By harnessing the power of intention, visualisation, and gratitude, we can align ourselves with our deepest desires and bring them into fruition.  

So obviously for me the question or thought process to follow this, was how this power of positive thought could affect your Mojo?! I believe that your mojo is the magic part of your soul, that gives you balance. It’s the feeling of contentment and ease that means you are living in flow. That you accept you are exactly where you need to be in any given moment, you are present and engaged. You take the rough with the smooth and know that happiness and joy are only one side of the coin but that the other side of the coin doesn’t have to be filled with anxiousness and worry. It can just be that there is a healing that needs to happen in order to teach us something. Acknowledging this and using it to harness positive steps forward is when we are really being truthful with ourselves. The journey to mojo magnificence isn’t always going to be easy but it’s authentic and it gives us our strength and resiliance to get through whatever the universe throws our way. 

I believe that when we focus our thoughts and energy on what brings us joy, fulfillment, and abundance, we naturally amplify our mojo. By cultivating a positive mindset, setting clear intentions, and visualising our goals, we magnetise opportunities and experiences that align with our desires. 

Here are som practical Tips for Harnessing the Law of Attraction to Rejuvenate Your Mojo: 

  1. Clarify Your Desires: Take time to identify what you truly desire in life—whether it's career success, vibrant health, fulfilling relationships, or inner peace. Get clear on your intentions and aspirations, and be specific about what you want to manifest. Don’t make them too big, remember bitesize chunks. Buy a new notebook (Love new notebook day) and write them all down. 

  2. Visualise Your Ideal Reality: Engage in visualisation exercises to vividly imagine yourself living your desired reality. Use all your senses to immerse yourself in the experience, feeling the emotions and sensations associated with achieving your goals. 

  3. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the blessings and abundance already present in your life. Regularly express appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that bring you joy and fulfillment.  

  4. Maintain a Positive Mindset: Monitor your thoughts and consciously choose to focus on positivity and possibility. Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and maintain faith in the universe's ability to support you in achieving your dreams. Use daily affirmations to set your intentions and really listen to how they make you feel.  

  5. Take Inspired Action: Trust your intuition and take inspired action towards your goals. Listen to your inner guidance and seize opportunities that align with your intentions, even if they seem daunting or unconventional. Sometimes it’s ok to feel uncomfortable, we have to push forward to achieve. 

  6. Release Resistance: Let go of limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears that may be blocking the flow of abundance into your life. Practice surrendering to the universe's wisdom and trusting in the divine timing of your manifestations. 

Embrace the journey, rejuvenating your mojo through the Law of Attraction is not just about manifesting external desires; it's about aligning with your highest potential and living authentically from a place of joy, purpose, and abundance. Remember, the universe conspires in your favour, and you have the power to co-create your reality through the thoughts, beliefs, and actions you choose to embody. Push positive energy out into the world. Raise your internal vibrations so that you embody love and light. Surround yourself with people that fill you up. Question negativity, encourage others to be more positive. A friend once told me that although she loved me, sometimes I’m so positive she wants to punch me in the face. (Obviously she was joking...I hope!) But hey ho, that’s just how I am and if that’s the worst criticism I get of my character, I’ll take it.  

So, dare to dream big, trust in the magic of the universe, and watch as your mojo ignites with boundless vitality and enthusiasm for life.  

Much Love 

Fran x 


Resilience and Accountability 


Superhero Mode Activated