Balance Vs Burnout 

Recognising the symptoms and making a change!

In a culture that celebrates us if we are seen to be working the hardest or being the last one to leave the office, it's all too easy to mistake constant busyness for productivity. Rest is often cast aside, treated as a prize to be won after all the work is done. This relentless pace, however, is not sustainable and can lead to burnout—a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that is anything but a mark of achievement. It's your body and mind crying out for a break. Lots of businesses are cutting costs and looking to create efficiencies and are therefore reducing the number of people on the books. This means, the people who remain are left to pick up a volume of work that would never have been expected previously. It is also well known that the culture of some work places doesn’t actively support part time workers and often expects a full time job in less hours. If this is you, you need to have a conversation with your employer. It’s not ok. If you are a super diligent person who is always looking to out perform your peers…Maybe you are super ambitious (which is great) or super competitive (also admirable) these qualities will drive your forward for success but you must have balance. There is no accolade to being the most successful person in the room (personally or professionally) if you are miserable as sin!
If you find you are running yourself into the ground from dawn until dusk without a moment's respite, it's a clear signal that balance is missing from your life and you are out of alignment. True well-being demands a harmony between exertion and relaxation, ambition and contentment. 

Striking the right balance is essential. We need to educate ourselves to recognise burnout and take steps to reclaim a little balance if we feel out of sync: 
Firstly you must listen to your body, the signs of impending burnout are often physical. Fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating are not just minor annoyances; they are warning signs. Acknowledge these symptoms and allow yourself to rest. If you notice yourself feeling like this, introduce short breaks throughout your day to manage stress levels effectively. Even standing outside in the fresh air for a few minutes and taking a few deep breaths can help reset. 
In our pursuit of efficiency, we sometimes fall into the trap of hyperfocus. This intense concentration can feel empowering, like a productivity high that keeps us locked onto a task for hours on end. While this can feel incredibly productive, it's akin to sprinting in a marathon—it's unsustainable and often leads to a crash. Hyperfocus can make us lose track of time, neglecting other important tasks and self-care routines. It can also lead to mental exhaustion. Once the high wears off, we're left feeling drained, unable to maintain a consistent level of productivity. Like any high, the crash from hyperfocus leaves us worse off, unable to muster the energy for even the simplest of tasks. 
Learn to set Boundaries, establishing boundaries is as critical as setting goals. Learning to say 'no' or 'not right now', is often something we learn in later life, it goes hand in hand with having the confidence to say no and also the fear of missing out but lets face it, one missed night out will be better in the long run than burning the candle at both ends and ending up exhausted. Boundaries help you to guard your time and energy, ensuring you're moving towards your goals without compromising your well-being. 
Quality Over Quantity. Remember, your value is not determined by your to-do list. Choose tasks that resonate with your values and bring you satisfaction. Sometimes, it's perfectly fine if the laundry waits or the emails remain unanswered for a day. Self-care deserves a prominent spot on your agenda, treated with the same urgency as any other priority. These self care practices, should be on your to do list with all your other jobs. Scheduling in your self care also means it’s more likely to happen. Like planning a walk with friends or booking a yoga class. These things should not be at the bottom of the pile or be the first thing to go when you get busy. It is essential to prioritise these things in order to ensure you have the energy and focus to complete all the other tasks that require more focus and determination!  
It is also important to remember you're not alone on this journey. If you feel overwhelmed, tap into your support network. The old phrase, ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’ springs to mind. Family, friends, and professionals can provide the support you need to overcome obstacles. 
Rekindle Your Mojo and identify the activities that rejuvenate you. Whether it's indulging in your favorite hobby, exercising, or enjoying moments of stillness, make time for these essential soul-feeders. They are not just hobbies, they are necessary for your mental and emotional recharge. 
Rest is not a detour from your productivity journey; it's an integral part of it. Embracing breaks as a daily ritual is crucial for sustained success. Allow yourself to rest without guilt, understanding that by doing so, you're setting yourself up for a longer, more joyful, and more productive path ahead. 
In the end, remember that your best work comes from a place of balance. By respecting your need for downtime, you're not only preventing burnout but also ensuring that your periods of hyperfocus are healthy and productive, not just a prelude to a crash. Chances are that if you can embrace a healthy sense of self care, the productive part of you will work much better.  

Much Love

Fran x


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